Through the hamlets of Bossière

Information on hike 5: Through the hamlets of Bossière

  • Distance: 11 km
  • Running time: 2h45
  • Total ascent: 178 m
  • Start: Place de Bossière - 5032 Bossière

Through the hamlets of Bossière

Starting from the Place de Bossière, you'll pass through two different parts of the village: Golzinnes and Vichenet. These places are home to various heritage monuments, including chapels, a castle, a mill and more.

Golzinnes hides a treasure in its subsoil: a vein of gray marble, well used in Gembloux, the Abbey cloister and the walls of Château de Corroy.

VisitGembloux and Maison du tourisme Sambre-Orneau.

Free parking available at departure point.


Points of interest


  • Notre-Dame Church

  • Repjou valley and Moulin farm

  • Golzinnes black marble

  • Golzinnes fortress in Namur county

  • Sainte-Anne Chapel

  • Rue Mautienne

During your ride

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