Stroll from Gembloux to Chenémont

Information for route 2: Gembloux - Chenémont

  • Distance: 7.8 km
  • Running time: 1h45
  • Total ascent: 123 m
  • Start: Rue Sigebert 1 - 5030 Gembloux

Stroll from Gembloux to Chenémont

Leaving the Tourist Office, you'll quickly find yourself out of the center of town, passing through some of Gembloux's rural districts. You'll pass by the historic site of La Poudrière and return via the village of Grand-Manil. This walk is similar to walk no. 1, but shorter, as it doesn't go as far as the Château de Corroy.

VisitGembloux and Maison du tourisme Sambre-Orneau.

Free parking available in the city center.

Points of interest


  • Chapelle-Dieu
  •  La Poudrière
  • Corroy-le-Château
  • Château de la Tour
  • Bedauwe farm and mill
  • Sainte-Adèle Chapel

During your ride

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